What does this mean?
The library no longer charges daily late fines on items that are
overdue. And if your home library is Bethel Park, any existing fines on your
account have been waived. You will still be charged for lost or damaged
materials, printed items, or other fees.
One of our goals is to eliminate barriers to service. Fines on
late materials prevent our patrons from using the most valuable community
resource. We want to ensure that BPPL is accessible to all of our residents.
Can I keep my library material forever?
No. Libary materials will still have a
due date.
Items that are lost, damaged, or otherwise not returned will be charged just as
they are now. As the due date approaches, the library will notify the patron
of the due date and ask that they return it (if the item is not eligible for
renewal). If the item is six weeks overdue, a bill to replace the item will be
issued, and if an item is more than six weeks overdue, the account may be
referred to a collection agency depending on the registering library.
Will this impact the Library's budget?
No. Fines account for less than one percent of the budget. Donations are
always welcome and appreciated.
Will items
be returned in a timely manner?
Yes. We believe that our patrons are reliable and responsible.
Other libraries that have made this change have not seen a
significant change in the rate of items that are overdue and see around 95% of
items returned within one week of the due date.
The library blocks account privileges (borrowing, renewal, e-resources, and databases access) if more than $10.00 in fees are owed.
Fines: funds owed for overdue items
Fees: funds owed for replacement items, collection agency charges, and other manual charges.