Wednesday, July 13
Doors Open at 6:30
Game Starts at 7:00
South Park Theatre
Corner of Brownsville Rd. & Corrigan Dr.
Concessions Available. Outside Food & Beverage Permitted.
Trivia night will consist of 8 rounds of 10 questions.
Each question is worth one point.
On the score sheet for Round 1, each team should estimate their final score (out of 80). If the final scores are tied, the team who estimated their final score most accurately, without going over, will win.
The trivia host will read each question aloud twice. Teams should try to write down an answer after each question. After each round of questions, all questions will be repeated again one time to give your team a chance to fill in all the answer blanks.
At the end of each round, one member of your team will bring your answer sheet for that round to the scoring table and pick up an answer sheet for the next round.
Before beginning the next round, the trivia host will review the answers to the previous round.
The graders will post the scores for the round on the board as they become available. You can track your team's score on your personal score sheet.
The team with the highest final score from all 8 rounds will be awarded a prize at the conclusion of scoring the final round.
Decisions of the judges are final.